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ISTA members learn more about National Board Certification


nbpts.jpgISTA members in the Mishawaka area attended an informational meeting last night to learn more about becoming a National Board Certified teacher. The event was hosted by ISTA UniServ Director Barb Deardoff and Professional Learning Coordinator Mark Shoup.


Lisa Guzman from the NEA Academy gave an interactive presentation on the history of the NBPS and the steps taken to become certified.


According to the National Board:


National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. As part of this process, teachers must analyze their teaching context and students’ needs, submit videos of their teaching, and provide student work samples that demonstrate growth and achievement. The reflective analyses that they submit must demonstrate:


1) A strong command of content;
2) The ability to design appropriate learning experiences that advance student learning;
3) The use of assessments to inform instructional decision making; and
4) Partnerships with colleagues, parents and the community.


Through this structured and iterative process, teachers expand and refine their content knowledge and pedagogy. The outcome is more powerful teaching that improves student achievement and reflects college and career readiness.


ISTA is beginning an initiative to encourage more members to consider becoming National Board Certified teachers. In the coming months, ISTA will be discussing ideas that legislators could consider to encourage more Indiana teachers to become certified.


Professional Learning Coordinator Mark Shoup is looking to host more NBPS informational sessions around the state.


For more information, contact your UniServ Director or Mark Shoup.